Electric Picnic: May I Make a Suggestion?

This is written in the great tradition of people being pretentious dicks at festivals, pointing out bands you've never heard of and saying 'are you serious?' when you admit that you haven't. They are the type that will stay stupidly sober all night and annoy you the next day when you wake up dazed and confused, reminding you of the bands you missed the previous night. These people are likely to have a timetable around their neck with neat pen marks beside the bands that they are definitely, definitely going to see. They will have mapped out their weekend, hour-by-hour, and have already decided which act they'll skip and which one they'll scrummage to the front of the madding crowd.

So I walk in the footsteps of some esteemed nerd lineage, safe in the knowledge that people will turn their heads, cough and expel 'dickhead' under their breath as I walk away.

Here it is, my Electric Picnic personal timetable, day by day and hour by hour, with videos so you can decide for yourself. All marked in big blue biro.

Friday, 2nd September

Saturday, 3rd September

Sunday, 4th September


Electric Picnic Website


Electric Picnic Stage Times


'Irish it up at the Electric Picnic'

Article about the Irish acts at the picnic by Una Mullally.


Body and Soul Arena

Possibly the best part of the Picnic set-up. Lot's of great music waiting to be discovered and places to hangout.


Electric Picnic Off-Licence

Pre-order booze so you don't have to carry it from the car.

